Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Review: Dr. Plonk

Dr. Plonk was my "out of left field" pick for the year, a silent film about a scientist in the year 1907 who predicts the world will end in 2008. And it was made in Australia. It sounded strange enough to be a rewarding experience. I was sure to encounter some sort of social commentary about global warming, war, peace, intercontinental relations, something like that... yeah...

Not as such. It certainly paid homage to the silent films of old, only this one was the same length as modern day films with dialog. There are only so many times that a mad scientist kicking his deaf mute assistant in the butt can be humorous. And boy, that dog sure is funny, too! E gad! Those cops sure are clumsy! HA! HA! HA!

Okay, I laughed a few times, I'll admit, but this would have been a decent short film, maybe 20 minutes at most. There were about 40 seconds of social commentary. Aside from that, it was just physical humor. Not my cup of tea, apparently. My imdb rating: 4/10.

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